Stars Yuria Satomi

Yuria Satomi

Birthday: December 17, 1984

Measurement: B87 W59 H89

Height: 157



Quote: Remi Yulia, Japanese name: ゆ り あ 美 ゆ り あ; English name: Yuria Satomi; Date of birth: December 17, 1984; Height: 157 cm; Measurements: B87 W59 H89; Place of birth: Kanagawa Prefecture, Japan; Occupation: Actress; Affiliation Brokerage company: T-poweres; Rimi Yulia, pure face, charming body, and unnatural beautiful breasts; when she debuted, she debuted under the name Aizumi Koizumi; and then re-emerged under the name Rimi Yulia

Quality: Full HD